I went ahead, took the plunge and have upgraded to the Pro version of FlickR. Spent most of this yesterday evening going through the photos I took at G-Force and have uploaded them to the following set. Pav had organised the day, so you would think he would be keen to arrive on time and be the first car on the rollers. Nope. His timekeeping was once again at fault, although circumstances were out of his control. I got up at 7am and rushed around to be ready before 8am, when we had arranged for him to pick me up and then meet up with the rest of the guys in the convoy. I got a text at around 8.30am explaining that his tyre was flat and he was sorting it out, he would be in Wycombe soon. Then an hour or so later, he called me to give me an update on progress, he was still in Reading. He eventually arrived at my house just after 10am and we got to G-Force at 11am, to the cheers and laughs of all the other forums members who had been there for at least the past few hours. The turnout was much better than in April and I even got to catch up with an old college friend Matt. Not seen him in over six years. Fantastic day with some great cars, wonderful people and amazing results. Pav has uploaded his pictures over on his gallery. The petrol heads among you can check out a full detail of Pav’s results over on the forum. Highlights including a Civic Type-R pushing out 195bhp, which is about standard, but you’d expect a slightly lower result as manufacturers always tend to exaggerate the power output of their cars. A range of BMW vehicles were out to be tested, including some 325, 328s, then some M3 Evos. There was also a new M3, which gave out 341bhp and was fittingly the final car to be on the rollers. I have been ahead of one of these on the motorway and they have insane acceleration.