Sunday 22nd May 2005
So the day came, and thankfully I had many other things to occupy my mind before the afternoon. The morning was rushed, While I was busy cleaning my car, concentrating on the things I thought are important to make an impression. I received a text, the time had changed to 6pm, but the venue remained the same. I should not have really had had an issue with this, because logistically speaking it was a goldmine. I think the idea just did not work for me. It was in hindsight, an act of God. Giving me extra time to prepare and work on the crucial aspect of what I would truly be judged, not the image, but the substance.
Leaving just after 5pm, I wanted time to pass, so that my departure time was not too soon, showing my keenness for the task ahead, but instead well timed to arrived just before the others (as so often has been the case). The motorway journey was relatively clear and I made good progress. My choice of music was predictable, by thinking about it now, Leave A Light On by Berlinda Carlisle would have been much more appropriate. That is another story, let me return to the A40, on this Sunday evening. As I pulled off the A-road, the traffic had increased, with a few drivers, venturing out for the first time in the week, and driving at the over caution 50 miles an hour. Coming up the slip road, I noted a group of girls in a Renault Clio behind me. They were around late teens, singing along to the songs on the radio. I looked back and caught the eye of the driver, in my rear view mirror and just smiled. That helped, someone to easy my nerves. I kept an eye on them, purely to try to discover what they were singing along to. It was too late, the lights turned green and I drove up across onto the roundabout. I was at my destination. Yesterday, I had even considered taking the major detour of going across the roundabout and coming back up the other slip road to avoid all the congestion which always seems to over come this spot. Never mind, it was not as if I had far to travel. Taking a u turn across the roundabout and heading back north onto the slip road back to the A40. Turning off just before the Total petrol station, I drove across and parked up. Switching off the engine, then the stereo, I took a deep breath. This was it.
Getting back into my car, I felt strange. Feelings that I have not felt for a long time, if ever before for that matter. How can I summarise this into words for this blog? Misguided and empty. Your mind saying one thing, being the voice of reason as it always should be and your heart saying something completely different, even though you know what you long for is far far out of reach. My concentration faded and I just wanted to go and sleep. Have you ever had a moment, a moment that you had waited for but came about unexpectedly and you didn’t know how to deal with it? You said what you did because you felt it had to be said. Not because you felt there was a need to cover old ground but purely to underline, re-iterate your rock solid position. From my experience, there are those people who’ve already made up their minds, the remainder