What you, dearest reader, do not know is I rarely blog live (or as soon as possible after the event). Actually I never blog during the event, perhaps in the future, an opportunity shall present itself. Yet, as usual I digress from my main narrative. Being obsessive about the closure of any given story, I […]
Mr. Happy
Merry Christmas
Perhaps for the first time in thirty odd years I have lost most of the Christmas magic. However that does not mean I cannot wish all my devoted readers, both new and old a very Merry Christmas and a New Year!
Meesh, Teg & Tom
Perhaps it will become a tradition at Christmas, much like Her Majesty’s Speech to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth promptly at 3pm. Last year I went to see Tom Cruise, in the action blockbuster, Mission:Impossible – Ghost Protocol, with my Dad at IMAX Waterloo. (I am sure I have mentioned before but just to underline […]
Monday 24th December 2007
Men were never designed to wrap presents. I find it does not matter how much I spend trying I cannot do the job. Even a educational video from YouTube could no help. Thankfully this year I did not have anything to cumbersome to wrap, just all standard box shapes but it does not make the […]
Thursday 8th Janurary 2004
You would think that buying a CD has lost it’s novelty. It has become a trivial act, which only those who know know of the world of KaZaa, mp3 and broadband. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. I for one, do purchase the occasional CD. Nothing beats being able to have […]
Friday 26th December 2003
The rain drizzled down, as we drove back from Oxford in my friend’s Mazda 6 TS2. He turned up his stereo, to fill the car with suitable festive music. A break in our casual conversation, I began to listen attentively to the music being played. I then asked my friend, C, the artist for the […]
Thursday 13th November 2003
I would like to mention someone who has created a fantastic site, for one of their personal idols. She has proved what can be achieved, if you show great devotion, for the one, who has touched your heart. Kristy (yes, that is Kristy, no Kirsty!) from the Netherlands, has created a homage to her idol, […]