What a week? For all the fuel crisis (what crisis?) comment, and the dilemma’s of running of diesel and trying to get to work, step over there but please come back. I will make sure there is something interesting here for you to read. I wish I had kept a blog or at least a […]
Tuesday 7th June 2005
Have you ever been part of something big? Something so big, that it is bigger than you and the few thousand people around you? I never have and regret it. The long road to redemption, began on Monday morning at 8am. For the first time in over 18 months (perhaps longer) I switched on my […]
Saturday 2nd April 2005
Yet again, I find myself at the beginning of a brand new, a fresh slate, another month. April brings with it the sweet taste of summer, just around the corner. As the evenings become lighter, I leave work just in time to catch the sunset on yet another day. British Summer Time has is back […]
Friday 18th February 2005
You should never underestimate the power of local radio. Before I head into work and am just driving the local roads close to my home, I always listen to Mix 107. I had been feeling down the night before, for various reasons, none which need to see the light of day, on here. Yet, Thursday […]
Thursday 23rd September 2004
September is briskly rolling past and at times I feel, constantly a slave to time. The days go by and the nights begin to draw in. Autumn will soon be replaced by winter. I should not really think so far into the future. There is plenty of work to be done before then, and as […]
Tuesday 10th August 2004
This morning felt more like dreary September, than the early August. Yet, I battled through the cold rain to get to the my bus stop and get to work on time. There was little disruption to the Chiltern Railways network but colleagues informed me of the difficulties on other parts of the National Rail network. […]
Friday 23rd July 2004
Can you predict the future? I cannot and make no false claims to be able to do so. Let us make that small fact, quite clear from the offset. (It is pure coincidence, that my recent discussion on instant messenger, appears again, in the context of blogging on Diamond Geezer.) However, I can always take […]
Sunday 16th May 2004
‘God Is A Gooner’ read one of banners at Highbury yesterday afternoon as Arsenal went into the history books by going the full Premiership season unbeaten. There has already been the discussion of whether this team deserves the title of greatness. I am not going to give an unbiased opinion here, but let me add […]
Friday 20th February 2004
This brings back memories. Friday night, the one time I would get a chance to log onto my own PC. This was again during my time on placement. After a heavy week at work, I would finally get a chance to reflect, contemplate and resolve all the thoughts of the week. Eastenders would end at […]
Friday 14th November 2003
Eastenders, I haven’t mentioned my favourite soap for several months now. It has been so long, that I’m going to have to check the Updatesand find out exactly when I did mention the show. The update from Saturday 1st March 2003 was when I last did. Although, some of you out there, knew what was […]