A very busy weekend for my last complete weekend in Newbury, so much so that I spent a great deal of it outside the town. It was Sachin’s 30th birthday on Friday and he had arranged a night out on Saturday in Leicester and invited me a long with many other old Uni pals. I […]
Monday 31th May 2004
Firstly, I wish to extend my deepest apologises to many of my friends. The last few days, and this holiday weekend just past, have been extremely hectic. I have tried my best to keep in touch with everyone and let them know what is going on. I know this has not always been possible, therefore, […]
Friday 28th May 2004
My housemate Nav told me that he knew a ‘Strickland’ back at his secondary school. No relation to the case of the bully, recently in the news. To understand the significance of this comment, you need to go back to my entry from Friday 23rd January 2004. I have not had the pleasure or (discomfort) […]
Sunday 25th April 2004
Why do holidays pass by so quickly? I am back in Leicester and have a brief (very brief) rest bite before my exams begin in two weeks time. This is it. This is the final countdown. The final hurdle. I feel strange because I have not spent the time thinking about this moment, as I […]
Tuesday 6th April 2004
I haven’t been avoiding blogging, as many would have you believe. Defeat is something that I’ve only tasted a few times with Arsenal this season and I am sure they will bounce back this evening against Chelsea. Once again, someone else has been able to put together the words that fit the current situation with […]
Monday 16th February 2004
Back in Leicester, after a weekend at home. As always, time at home is extremely hectic, and before I know where I am, the time has drifted by and the East Midlands beckons once more. Another week at Uni begins and with it, the expectation and realisation that this is the final hurdle. A phrase […]
Friday 13th February 2004
Home for the weekend. Left Leicester around 5.40pm, and got into Wycombe around 7.20pm which was quite good going, taking into account I was driving my sister’s M-Reg, Metro GTA. It is only a 1.1 injection, but still quite nippy. May go into London this Saturday to get some sightseeing done. Looking forward to the […]
Wednesday 11th February 2004
Another excitng week here in Leicester for my housemates and I, and it is far from over. Who knows what the next few days will bring? My Guestbook is not live! Sorry to report this. Finally after a good solid few weeks of work, behind the scenes, I am bringing a new feature to my […]
Sunday 8th February 2004
Finally got around to updating the MP3 Database on my Audio page, I am nearing the dizzy heights of 3000 mp3s. Adding almost 100 mp3s since November. My album collection has exploded to 184, from 166 in November. I am going to aim to update this listing every two months. There are two reasons for […]
Tuesday 27th January 2004
I got back into Leicester on Sunday. Although it was very much so, an unplanned trip home, I did enjoy spending time with my family and meeting my uncle at Heathrow. Sunday was spent in Nottingham with my sisters, and the rest of my family, enjoying what the city has to offer. Overall quality time […]
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