I had been scanning the BBC News web site regularly throughout the working day. In fact, it was borderline obsessive. There was no real news, so I carried on with my working day. Midway through the afternoon, I contemplated in my thoughts, how much this was just an average Monday. The phones were not busy, […]
Tuesday 7th June 2005
Have you ever been part of something big? Something so big, that it is bigger than you and the few thousand people around you? I never have and regret it. The long road to redemption, began on Monday morning at 8am. For the first time in over 18 months (perhaps longer) I switched on my […]
Saturday 30th April 2005
It has been so long since I went to the cinema, that I cannot even remember what I last saw on the big screen. This was an important event. This was the first movie of the period commonly referred to as the Summer Blockbuster. The big hitters coming along with major movies of the year, […]
Saturday 23rd April 2005
Following a difficult few weeks in the office, work has found some stability. I am busy, but there is not a major urgency to respond to disasters as has been the case over a fortnight ago. So, how do I feel? I feel better every passing day and knowing that things are happening for me, […]
Saturday 8th January 2005
I remember reading somewhere on the MJ Fan Club News website that a British documentary was being produced about Michael Jackson fan’s to be screened in early 2005. So, it came as a little surprise that early 2005, actually referred to just four days into the new year. While flipping channels, as I do constantly, […]
Friday 3rd December 2004
In between my two interviews today, I was at home to grab some lunch. While scrolling around the music channels on Sky I came across VH1. It had very much gone over my head, it was the final day of the sacred Immortals Week. I had flicked through the channel throughout the course of the […]
Tuesday 24th August 2004
It is great to hear from an old friend. Particularly, when it has been so long since you last heard from them. Mid morning, I was busy answering various support calls, and the end of the working day seemed miles away. I have MSN Messenger running in the system tray. One new message, the pop-up […]
Thursday 19th August 2004
I will not lie to you, I have not been to any concerts. Of all the artists in music history, past and present, there are only two for whom I would have spent good money to go see live. Although currently fighting a legal court case, which could last for months, MJ would be the […]
Saturday 19th June 2004
Went out to Milton Keynes this morning, with a old work colleague from my placement year. We went there from his house, so I got to experience the Golf experience. As you may well be aware, I am not a big fan of the marquee, because I think it is highly overrated. But then again, […]
Friday 14th May 2004
I made my first purchase via eBay, this evening. It was a ‘Buy Now’ product, so I did not bid in a live auction. However, overall I have been impressed with the quality of the service and instant response from the seller. Just have to wait for my goods to arrive now. A five to […]