So I did it people. I created not just my first but my second Playlist on Spotify. After a little fiddling around I created Drive Home with my favourite songs for the road. However, the majority were a mishmash of contemporary songs that I had been listening to recently. The true commute home soundtrack would […]
Wednesday 8th July 2009
An emotional and hectic week but on the plus side only four days in the office as I have tomorrow off. I shall pick up from Monday, I got an e-mail from my sister that she was going to be at a meeting in Newbury, at The Chequers Hotel. She asked if she could crash […]
Friday 26th June 2009
I had kept my emotions in check for the majority of the day, the whole working day in fact. Even when I had seen the newspaper headlines on the stand in the Tesco Metro, Northbrook Street. However, as I left the office at 17:04, this afternoon I received a heartfelt message from my fifteen year […]
Thursday 25th June 2009
Friday 17th November 2006
I was a man on a mission. That was the description from one of my colleagues on the helpdesk, quite early on Wednesday morning. It was true and I knew there was so much to be done before that 12 o’clock bell would ring. I could not sleep, I was just far too excited. On […]
Wednesday 15th November 2006
Friday 20th October 2006
Strange week. Productive week. Demanding week. Glad Friday is finally here, although once again not much planned for the weekend. Perhaps I should start with the video I uploaded to You Tube last Friday evening. On Wednesday evening when I was reading the comments and looking at the statistics. It was around 4000 with around […]
Monday 28th August 2006
While I was struggling to find anything to write about on Friday, even to some extent on Saturday evening. I now find myself with two full days of events to report on. Let me first go back to Saturday evening. I decided to watch Star Wars – Episode IV: A New Hope on Sky. At […]
Tuesday 7th March 2006
Saturday afternoon needs to be revisited in this posting, mainly because late Sunday night I was running out of time and really needed to get some sleep. A shame really because there was so much more to tell you about. Never mind, perhaps I can use this entry to catch up on the points missed […]
Wednesday 5th October 2005
Sunday came around quicker than I imagined, yet I still seemed to be working to a Sunday clock. I got up just before 9am, thinking I would have plenty of time to make it to the ground, meet up with Terry with time to spare before kick off. Well things got to a bad start, […]