Thursday 8th Janurary 2004

You would think that buying a CD has lost it’s novelty. It has become a trivial act, which only those who know know of the world of KaZaa, mp3 and broadband. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. I for one, do purchase the occasional CD. Nothing beats being able to have […]

Thursday 23rd October 2003

It is rather a shame that I do not update my website more often. I have put myself in the position now, where I have very few excuses. Broadband connection at home, a home network, comprising of three computers. Oh yeah, there is the small question of my University degree. It would be good if […]

Tuesday 12th August 2003

I was in Leicester today. I happened to walk past my old student house on Cambridge Street, just off the famous (or infamous, depending on your view point) Narborough Road. It brought back so many memories of my second year. It seemed such a long time ago, even though to me, it feels like only […]

Saturday 15th February 2003

I would normally apologise profusely for my lack of updates to my website. However, I will not. It will take far too much time, and there is so much I have to tell you. So much has been going on in my world, and the world around us that there is no time for the […]