I was in Leicester today. I happened to walk past my old student house on Cambridge Street, just off the famous (or infamous, depending on your view point) Narborough Road. It brought back so many memories of my second year. It seemed such a long time ago, even though to me, it feels like only […]
Friday 7th March 2003
Just arrived in Leicester, literally a few minutes ago. The time is 18:27, and I’ve just got into the Queens Lab at University. On my drive into the UK’s 10th largest city, I felt strange feelings. Mixed emotions, really. On the one hand it felt great to be back in my University city, on the […]
Saturday 14th September 2002
I must first apologize, for the long delay in not updating my website. There have been times when I haven’t updated the site, for perhaps a weekend, due to my schedule being so hectic. Three weeks, is extremely poor. I am sorry, but this mainly due to other commitments in my life having to take […]
Saturday 6th July 2002
It is a new month, so its time for a new section. All previous news items and updates can be found on the updates page (link below). It has been a busy few days for me. I have started my job, and not had much time for myself recently. I leave home, at 7.30am and […]