I would normally apologise profusely for my lack of updates to my website. However, I will not. It will take far too much time, and there is so much I have to tell you. So much has been going on in my world, and the world around us that there is no time for the […]
Saturday 26th October 2002
I must apologise for not updating the site during the week. A roller coaster of a week, I might add. Not really in the type of mood to describe my week. I must say that its been quite a tough week, one of the most toughest, since ‘that week’ in August. I don’t really want […]
Saturday 29th September 2002
The month quickly draws to an end. Amazing, time is passing by so quickly. The days passed into the weeks and then the months. Not much to report with regards to the website. I have been busy sorting out photographs that I would like to upload, this is taking much longer than expected. I know […]