Three Little Words
Sometimes I wonder if Doug Savage is monitoring my life, from across the pond in Canada. Many of his world famous Savage Chicken cartoons reflect perfectly a moment in my life. I was having a discussion with my colleague and friend Harps, as we made our back from breakfast on Monday morning. He had just […]
A Savage Cartoonist
I cannot remember exactly when I first started reading the Savage Chickens cartoon strip. Perhaps in the middle of 2005. I am quite sure it was recommended to me, either online or perhaps even in newsprint. You can view all my Savage Chicken themed posts by searching for the tag. There are three blogs I […]
Shameless Self Marketing
Does this cartoon remind you of anyone? Check out a fresh chicken (plus many friends) every weekday over at Savage Chickens.
Friday 6th March 2009
It is coming up to 9.30pm, as I begin typing this post. It is late into a Friday evening and many of you will be out on the town or getting ready to head out of the door. I, however am quite happy to be at home. Yes, I am back in Wycombe. It is […]
Friday 30th December 2005
I have a confession to make. I have in recent months (perhaps over the past year) become quite obsessive with this blog. To the point which, this cartoon actually applies perfectly. So I must apologise for trying to inflate my ego in this way. My biggest mistake is to say, “yeah, it’s all recorded on […]