Those of you who attempted to visit my web site over the weekend, will have notice it was down. Appears that my prestigious host, Portland have either gone on holiday or gone bust! Even their site is down and no one is responding to e-mails. Therefore, this evening, my dearest friend Sippy came to the […]
Friday 13th February 2004
Home for the weekend. Left Leicester around 5.40pm, and got into Wycombe around 7.20pm which was quite good going, taking into account I was driving my sister’s M-Reg, Metro GTA. It is only a 1.1 injection, but still quite nippy. May go into London this Saturday to get some sightseeing done. Looking forward to the […]
Friday 26th September 2003
Nights out have been the subject of many of my blogs. Usually, I try my best to give you an insight into the events on a night out on the tiles. On this occasion, I take one step further. I am back in Leicester and I am not alone. But loneliness is a strange beast […]
Friday 7th March 2003
Just arrived in Leicester, literally a few minutes ago. The time is 18:27, and I’ve just got into the Queens Lab at University. On my drive into the UK’s 10th largest city, I felt strange feelings. Mixed emotions, really. On the one hand it felt great to be back in my University city, on the […]
Friday 21st February 2003
After months of waiting, it has finally happened! Sibtain Bandali, has uploaded the latest version of his extravagant website series. Version Two picks up just where version one left off. Everything has been redesigned, images, style and content. Overall an amazing experience that has to be seen to be believed! Well done Sippy! Keep up […]