After a tiring week, in and out of the office I had nothing major planned for this weekend. The ‘Lost’ Weekend if you will. On Saturday, I got up around 9.30am and after breakfast headed over to Reading in the heavy rain for a pre-arranged appointment. Then after a productive discussion, I headed over back […]
Wednesday 21st June 2006
This may surprise you but I tend to prefer to watch football in two places. In the comfort of my own sofa, at home. Or at the ground (Highbury and soon Ashburton Grove). I have only ever watched one game in pub group environment. (While you recover from the shock, let me explain). It was […]
Friday 6th May 2005
With Friday comes my weekly blog entry. Sometimes, I consider that I should keep my blogging to this one day a week and include a detailed roundup of all the events in my week. While this was not be difficult to achieve, I feel the ability to record any moment in my life, which I […]
Monday 31th May 2004
Firstly, I wish to extend my deepest apologises to many of my friends. The last few days, and this holiday weekend just past, have been extremely hectic. I have tried my best to keep in touch with everyone and let them know what is going on. I know this has not always been possible, therefore, […]
Tuesday 6th April 2004
I haven’t been avoiding blogging, as many would have you believe. Defeat is something that I’ve only tasted a few times with Arsenal this season and I am sure they will bounce back this evening against Chelsea. Once again, someone else has been able to put together the words that fit the current situation with […]
Friday 13th February 2004
Home for the weekend. Left Leicester around 5.40pm, and got into Wycombe around 7.20pm which was quite good going, taking into account I was driving my sister’s M-Reg, Metro GTA. It is only a 1.1 injection, but still quite nippy. May go into London this Saturday to get some sightseeing done. Looking forward to the […]
Sunday 8th February 2004
Finally got around to updating the MP3 Database on my Audio page, I am nearing the dizzy heights of 3000 mp3s. Adding almost 100 mp3s since November. My album collection has exploded to 184, from 166 in November. I am going to aim to update this listing every two months. There are two reasons for […]