Thursday 18th December 2003
I got back into Wycombe, yesterday afternoon around 3.30pm. I have to admit that it is a great feeling to be back home. The plans for Christmas can now be put into full swing. Wednesday was quite a hectic day, packing everything, sorting out everything at my house. Saying goodbye to my housemates until the new year. I have noticed that the Christmas period does tend to creep up on you more when you are a student, rather than a everyday, worker. The reason I suppose for this is because you are too busy with deadlines and in your own student bubble, that starts and ends on campus. This is not to say you are completely detached from the outside world, but you access the reality of the rest of the world remotely, via the television and internet. When I was on placement last year, Christmas appeared to be more of a steady heartbeat, from mid November, rather than a mad stroke a week before, as is the case now. I do appreciate life as a student, having been on the other side of the fence and realized that perhaps, working life is not what it is all made up to be.
The prospects of seeing all my friends again is great. I haven’t got in touch with many yet but should do by the time the weekend comes around. Great to see how things have been getting along, since the end of the summer. Although I am going to try my best and enjoy myself while at home with my family. The promise of a new year are great reasons to celebrate, the holiday itself is far from fore filled, as exams play on your mind and are just around the corner. There is no escape.