Tuesday 4th May 2004
When will we ever learn? Maybe that is too much of a sweeping statement. When will I learn? Learn that you should never leave work to the last minute? A deadline looms and we feel we are oblivious to time and will get the assignment done. But here we are the weekend before the deadline, slowly come to realise that nothing of submission quality has materialized. With this realisation, the heart begins racing, the sweat pouring down your brow as you mind frustrating tries to think of some sort of exit strategy. Help from a friend, a search on trusted Google, or even persuading one of your more organised, intelligent, beautiful, wonderful friends to part with their A grade work over MSN, just to make sure, “I’m on the right track!”. We have all been there. Okay sure, some of you out there are perfect and have never faced this stressful predicament. Generally then, most of us, have had the experience of a pending deadline and having to fight a waging war to get the assignment in on time. Once the heat is off and the half hearted attempt has been submitted, we put this lesson down to experience. This will never happen again. Yes you pulled off an all nighter, but you do not want to put your body and mind through that again. After all you are beginning to learn that no matter what you try, no matter what you do, you cannot beat the Anatomy of an All-Nigher. You may also want to master your technique, you never know in the future when you might need to Pull Off An All Nighter.
Never again. Never again will you leave your work to the last minute. Never again will you take this stress and strain of a coursework take over your life for a few days. Next time you will be organised and more importantly carefree. Does this happen? No, it never does. I remember in 1998, during my GCSE Electronics course, how I had to go to some of the lengths described above to get the work done and in on time. I made those promises to myself. Here, I am some six years later, unable to practice at all what I preached.
Now the most important piece of paper in my possession is captured below. The most important document until I receive my degree that is. I handed in my Final Year Project at 9:20am this morning. I do feel a great sense of relief. The greater relief will come in twenty days time, some three weeks away, when my final exam is done and dusted.