I am still alive! I just have a the biggest backlog of all time to get through and just have not found the time to get around to blogging. There is so much to mention and so little time. I thought it best to flip the month over and continue to update the blog from August in the background, so at least people know I still exist and the rumours are false, I have not given up on blogging. In fact, this will be a first for me to upload unfinished blog posts and add to them on a regular basis.
September is my favourite month of the year but that does not mean that the calendar is any kinder. Work is extremely busy and perhaps only settled down this week. Outside of work has been manic itself but thankfully I had some down time in Wycombe weekend just gone. I was hoping to get the blog bang up to date but that along with numerous other tasks on my todo list never got completed. Having said that, it was good to have some time to chill after three very big weekends on the bounce!
All I can say is that normal service shall resume very soon, there is plenty of things I need to mention but do not fret. I have written notes everywhere, which will eventually become blog posts (or so I hope). In the meanwhile, you can always follow my day-to-day mini ramblings (limited to 140 characters) over on Twitter.