Drove into Wycombe on Sunday and noticed a new post at the top of Marlow Hill. Sure enough, they are going to place a SPECS camera to catch even more speeding motorists. Making 1.2 million over the past four years obviously is not enough. I tried to do some research on the net but nothing really came up apart from Steve Cohen’s editorial. Surprising really, if the previous campaign was such a success. I can see countless people being caught on this camera, particularly as there is no flash, the whole process is digital and no escape by simply slowing down. To be honest, I am surprised they have not made such a move earlier.
Sky broadband has been delayed, maybe until after Easter. My amended connection date was 2nd April but there is some problem, somewhere. My order has been escalated to another team but they cannot give me any further information. So I will chase them up again tomorrow. What have I let myself in for? Such a shame, because it was going swimmingly up to this point. Hopefully I will be online within a few weeks.
Moving onto more positive news, the cottage weekend has been confirmed for the Bank Holiday weekend in May. We are heading down to the West Coast for the weekend and am really looking forward to it. If the weather is good, we might have a barbeque!
Nothing planned for this Easter weekend really. Quiet really, relaxed at home, and actually I am looking forward to it, particularly when you consider the great time we had this time last year (although the long weekend break was a week later). A good opportunity to recharge my batteries, some busy weeks ahead with work and equally exhausting weekends outside of work.
This may be my last post in a while, as my room is being completely redecorated as of tomorrow morning and I will nolonger have access to my PC. I will try and log in via remote desktop from my work laptop but not sure how good that will be. At most, the work should take two weeks to complete, but I am aiming to be back quicker than that.